Last March, the Piacer’ Canto Chorus honored us with three exceptional concerts. These performances, organized in support of causes close to their hearts, raised funds for three associations, including L’École du Bayon.

Thanks to this fund-raising effort, our school was able to carry out several crucial projects that will directly benefit our students. Firstly, we were able to renew the computers in our elementary school and our bakery and pastry school. This new computer equipment provides our students with modern, high-performance tools, essential for their learning and preparation for a promising future.

In addition, part of this generous donation was used to replace the batteries in the solar panels at the elementary school. This project, vital to ensuring continued access to electricity, is part of our commitment to sustainable development and responsible management of our resources.

We would like to sincerely thank the Piacer’ Canto Chorus, as well as all participants and donors, for their unfailing support. Thanks to you, Bayon School can continue to offer quality education and a brighter future to our students.